Tips On Attracting Donations From Local Businesses And Corporate Houses

Business for donation could be a bit tricky, but if you are all geared up and have the right approach, you can definitely attract the firms to get a substantial amount of money. Hence, let’s dig deep into details to enrich our minds of what exactly business firms look into before granting funds.

The first aspect of fundraising is to build connections with local businesses, as they are more inclined to community building and uplifting the communities in which they are living. But, one drawback in this scenario is that many local businesses could not have huge grants to support you with. Therefore, you should also target national organizations as well!

When you are pitching your proposal to any big corporates, always remember large originations look for long-term relationships and mutual benefits with the non-profits they sponsor.


How to Attract Donations From Local Businesses And Corporate

Here are some tips on how to start business for donation and attract local businesses and corporate to help:

Find a person in the corporates to connect with

When you are looking up to businesses for donation, don’t just expect to walk into the company and ask anyone working there for donations. One needs to go through networking and build a connection with the people. Again if it’s a large corporation, reach out to the person handling corporate social responsibility (CSR) and convey your purpose, requirements, and outcomes. Furthermore, be prepared with the reply of how your charitable trust can support the client’s organization.

Look into what you can suffice within Return

As most relationships dwell on mutual benefit sharing, so do corporates and charitable trusts. So, look into what you can provide to the corporates or business houses. Almost every organization aims at trust and reputation built in the community, apart from uplifting the society. Besides, it is one of the foremost reasons behind donations.

Build up mutual long-term relationship with the corporates

The best ways in which a charitable trust can build up a mutual long-term relationship with the corporates are as follows:

  1. Logos and Brand name: One way in which you can impress your sponsor is by including their name and logo in the banners whenever you launch any campaign. It helps in spreading positive word of mouth about the entity and also boosts its popularity.
  2. References: Give the name and the substantial amount donated by the corporate firm in your donor references.
  3. Information in your annual audit report: Mention the name of the firm and the amount donated by them to your charitable trust in your annual audit report.
  4. Tax Benefits: Another reason why businesses donate is they can get tax benefits apart from supporting any noble cause. Whenever there is a business or income tax audit, support your client by furnishing the exact amount donated.
  5. Positive Press: Whenever you organize a press conference for thanksgiving, mention the name of all your donors and how it has helped in uplifting the community.
  6. Ask for Donation: It is no doubt daunting or nerve-wracking for any fundraiser to ask for donations, especially when the amount is hefty! However, there are actually two ways to ask for donations that could simplify your approach.

Write a letter

It is a formal approach, and one needs to check the schedule of the person responsible for handling CSR. Craft an email that is engaging and with strong, relatable storytelling; doesn’t exceed one page. Also, get it signed by the head of the charitable trust.


Another approach is meeting in person but prior to that, do your strong homework – not only about the organization but also about the points that you are going to convey. Again, always check with the schedule of the CSR head as it will ensure a proper and full-fledged discussion leading to a win-win situation.


Another important criterion is to do a follow-up with business houses, irrespective of whether they signed the cheque or not. The reason is that many organizations make in-kind donations. One can initiate a phone call, meet in person, or send an email! But, restrain yourself from making too many follow-ups as it could annoy the client.

The gesture of thanking

Always acknowledge your donors with a thank you letter, no matter whether they donated in cash or in-kind. Maintaining a proper rapport will help you in attracting more donations in the future; also, thank the clients who did not contribute. The reason is that it will build up better relations for future donations.

Companies that Often Fund Nonprofit Business for Donation

We’ve put together a list of companies that often support business for donation to nonprofits, as below:


Chewy, a leading pet supply company, has built a reputation for its extensive charitable efforts aimed at supporting pets in need. Since its inception, Chewy has donated over $183 million in products to various charitable causes. In 2021 alone, they contributed over $7 million to Greater Goods Charity, underscoring their commitment to supporting organizations dedicated to animal welfare.

In 2022, Chewy significantly increased its charitable contributions by donating over $31 million worth of pet products and food to local animal shelters. More than that, Chewy has set a goal to donate an additional $10 million by the end of 2023. This project demonstrates their ongoing dedication to making a positive impact on animal welfare.

Among the charities Chewy supports are Greater Goods Charity and numerous local animal shelters and welfare organizations. Chewy actively collaborates with these local entities to provide vital support and resources to pets in need across communities. Their partnerships extend beyond financial contributions, emphasizing a holistic approach to addressing the needs of animals in distress.

Ben & Jerry’s

Ben & Jerry’s, renowned for their delicious ice cream, goes beyond dessert by operating a foundation committed to fostering progressive social change. The Ben & Jerry’s Foundation supports business for donation dedicated to advancing social justice and equity through two primary grant programs.

The Vermont Grant Program targets initiatives related to Equity and Justice, along with supporting Community Action Teams within the state. This program aims to address local issues and empower community-led efforts in Vermont.

On a broader scale, the National Grant Program extends support to organizations across the United States that align with Ben & Jerry’s values of social justice and community activism. This program seeks to amplify impact on a national level, addressing systemic issues and promoting positive social change nationwide.

If your organization aligns with these goals and values, you can explore opportunities to apply for grants through Ben & Jerry’s Foundation by visiting their official website. There, you can find detailed information on eligibility criteria, application requirements, and deadlines for each grant program offered by the foundation. Applying through their structured process ensures that your initiatives have the potential to receive vital support for advancing social justice causes.

Business for Donation – Thrive Market

Thrive Market is an online retailer specializing in organic groceries at wholesale prices.  It is dedicated to promote food equality and environmental sustainability. Their charitable contributions reflect these core values. Thus, it can make a significant impact on communities in need.

Thrive Market has set an ambitious goal to donate $20 million in healthy groceries by 2030. So far, they have raised $9.6 million towards this objective. Their donations are distributed in various impactful ways. For instance, they have provided $2.78 million in healthy groceries to families in need through nonprofit organizations.

Additionally, $1.23 million in shopping budgets have been allocated to Thrive Gives members, ensuring that more people have access to nutritious food. In response to global crises, Thrive Market has also contributed $300,946 in meals through the World Central Kitchen’s efforts in Ukraine.

Beyond their charitable contributions, Thrive Market prioritizes ethical sourcing, reducing carbon footprints, and preserving the environment in their operations. For more information on their charitable initiatives and details on how to apply for support, visit their website. This commitment to both social and environmental causes underscores Thrive Market’s holistic approach to making a positive difference in the world.

Business for Donation – Clif Bar Foundation

The Clif Family Foundation, established in 2006, is committed to supporting small and mid-sized nonprofits that focus on improving the food system, enhancing public health and awareness, and preserving the environment within local communities. This foundation plays a pivotal role in promoting sustainable and healthy living through its targeted grant programs.

The foundation’s mission is to support initiatives that enhance the local food system, promote public health, and safeguard the environment. They offer business for donation or grant, for both general operational support and specific projects. Thus, ensuring that a wide range of needs can be met for the nonprofits they assist.

To learn more about their grant programs, including application deadlines and specific requirements, you can visit their website. This resource provides comprehensive details on how to apply for support from the Clif Family Foundation. Hence, guiding prospective applicants through the process to increase their chances of securing funding. By visiting the official website, interested organizations can access the necessary information to align their projects with the foundation’s goals and secure the support they need.


Dell, a leading technology company, is renowned for its significant charitable contributions. The company donated nearly $200 million to nonprofits in 2021 alone. Their philanthropic efforts are focused on several crucial areas aimed at fostering education and economic improvement.

In the realm of education, Dell supports schools that are driving systemic change. So, they provide educators with essential classroom tools, and offer financial aid to students who need help attending college. This commitment ensures that educational institutions and students receive the resources they need to succeed.

In terms of economic improvement, Dell funds initiatives that support credit and savings education organizations. They also offer back programs that support career counseling and vocational skills. These programs are helpful for individuals to improve their economic prospects and achieve financial stability.

Dell provides this support through various means, including grants, investments, and scholarships. To learn more about Dell’s charitable programs and how to apply for support, visit their official website. There, you will get comprehensive information and application guidelines.


When you are in need of help from business for donation, keep a note that it is better and easier to retain an existing client rather than attract new ones. It is more than just a one-time investment. But a connection that will lead to a prosperous mutual relationship in the future. But it cannot be ignored that new relationships also need to be built when your cause is big!

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