Starfleet Academy Scholarship

Do you know that Starfleet Academy scholarship programreally does exist? I am sure all the Star Trek fans are familiar about this name. But, don’t you find it surprising that you can actually get help paying for college from this unique organization?

As you might have expected, the Starfleet is an organization for Star Trek fans in United States (and also the world). The organization has been established since more than 35 years ago. Besides, the organization is now arguably the largest Star Trek fan-based organization in the United States. It has hundreds of local chapters available throughout the United States (with different starship/space station names! FUN!).

What’s more, the organization stay true to the Star Trek theme by using the chain of command system. Also, they do possible promotion for its members depending on how they perform or are involved in their local Starfleet chapter in their area. Being a Startrek fan-based organization, their main focus is to provide valuable information about the Starfleet, Trek trivia, as well as some real life activities.


Starfleet Academy Scholarship Programs

The organization values its members, and they are providing scholarship programs available for the deserving members. The money is useful to help with tuition in universities, community colleges, technical schools, etc. If you are interested to apply for the scholarship program, you have to become a Starfleet member for at least one year before the deadline of the application each year, which usually ends in June 15.

The winners will be announced in the International Conference in the summer. It means that the award winners can get their scholarships in the next fall semester. The amount of scholarship varies each year, but in general the awardees will receive no more than $1,000.

There are several scholarships programs given by this organization, each focuses on an area of study. Currently, these programs include:

James Doohan/Montgomery Scott Engineering & Technology Scholarship

As the name suggested, this scholarship aims to provide help for deserving students of any field related to engineering and technology. The broad range of this scholarship makes it very popular amongst students from those fields.

DeForest Kelley/Dr. Leonard McCoy Memorial Medical & Veterinarian Scholarship

If you’re currently someone who is studying medical and veterinarian studies in an accredited college in United States, you might be eligible for this scholarship award. Needless to say, you will also have to be a fan of Star Trek!

Gene Roddenberry Memorial/Sir Patrick Stewart Scholarship for Aspiring Writers & Artists

Many of the Star Trek fans are spending their time for writing good stories, creating good movies, or even becoming an artist themselves. This scholarship allows them to do so. What’s more, the scholarship program also covers students who are studying other liberal arts, including dancing, graphic designs, music, literature, etc.

Armin Shimerman/George Takei/LeVar Burton Scholarship for Business, Language Studies & Education

If you’re a student learning foreign language, you may love this program. Furthermore, the program allows students in teaching studies and also business and management studies to apply for the scholarship.

Space Explorers’ Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship program is available for every other fields that do not get previous scholarship program we’ve mentioned above. The purpose of this program is to honor the astronauts and cosmonauts who lost their life during a space exploration program.

If you want to apply for the scholarship, you should remember that you have to be a member of this organization for at least a year. For more information on this non-regular scholarship opportunity, please visit the official website of the Starfleet Academy on our reference section. Or, you can also contact them by phone at (888) 734-8735.

Why Starfleet Academy Scholarship

The Starfleet Academy Scholarship offers a range of benefits to its recipients, making it a highly sought-after opportunity for students interested in space exploration and related fields.

Alleviate Financial Burden

First and foremost, the scholarship provides financial support to cover various educational expenses. This typically includes tuition fees, accommodation costs, living expenses, and sometimes additional funds for books, research materials, and travel expenses related to academic pursuits. By alleviating the financial burden of higher education, the scholarship enables recipients to focus more fully on their studies and pursue academic excellence.

Exclusive Opportunities

Beyond financial assistance, the Starfleet Academy Scholarship often provides access to exclusive opportunities and resources. Recipients may gain access to mentorship programs, where they can receive guidance and advice from experienced professionals in their field of interest. This mentorship can be invaluable in helping students navigate their academic and career paths, offering insights, advice, and networking opportunities that can facilitate their professional development.

Hands-on Experience

Additionally, the scholarship may offer opportunities for hands-on experience through internships, research projects, or other practical initiatives. These experiences allow students to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world settings, gaining valuable practical experience and enhancing their understanding of their chosen field.

Open Future Opportunities

Furthermore, receiving the Starfleet Academy Scholarship can enhance a student’s resume and open doors to future opportunities. Recipients may gain recognition within the academic community and among potential employers. Thus, increasing their chances of securing employment or further academic opportunities upon graduation.

Overall, the benefits of the Starfleet Academy Scholarship extend beyond financial assistance. It offers recipients a pathway to academic and professional success in the field of space exploration and related disciplines. Through financial support, mentorship, practical experience, and recognition, the scholarship empowers students to pursue their passions and contribute to advancements in space science and technology.


The Starfleet Academy Scholarship is a prestigious financial aid program. The goal is supporting students pursuing higher education in fields related to space exploration, technology, and science. It offers recipients financial assistance covering tuition fees, living expenses, and sometimes additional costs like books and travel.

Beyond financial support, the scholarship provides access to exclusive opportunities such as mentorship programs, internships, and research initiatives. Hence, it fosters the development of future leaders and innovators in space science and technology. This scholarship empowers students to pursue their academic and professional goals, contributing to advancements in space exploration and related disciplines.


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