SJSU Financial Aid

San Jose State University offers plenty financial aid options through SJSU financial aid program to student looking for extra fund source to cope with the high education cost. There is nothing behind these SJSU financial aid program except helping students to achieve what they have been dreaming all their life, a bright future.

Knowing that many students still cannot cope with the financial adversities they might find during their time at school, San Jose State University gives some financial aid options. These aids might be really useful for those who are in need extra money to pay their school expenses.

By applying for the financial aid offered through SJSU financial aid program, students can get chance to find their way out from financial adversities and have bright future by staying at the university until they get the degree that they really want so badly. Just the same as other financial aid offered through various program, the financial aids offered through SJSU financial aid program have requirements the students need to fulfill.

In general, financial aids offered through the SJSU financial program require the students to apply for FAFSA first. Once they have finished this preliminary test, students can go on to the next step. The eligibility of each financial aid program may vary, but most of them start from completing the FAFSA.


SJSU Financial Aid Office Location

SJSU Financial Grants

There are two basic types of financial aid, in this case grant, offered through SJSU financial aid. They are state grant and federal grant. Each of these two has subtypes of grant for students in need of source of fund to continue their study at San Jose State University. Grants included to state grant types are including:

Cal Grant

The Cal Grant program offers financial aid options for students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in California. Here’s a breakdown of Cal Grant A:

  • Purpose: Cal Grant A is available for helping undergraduate students with tuition fees specifically at California State University (CSU) campuses.
  • Eligibility: It is available to undergraduate students who are residents of California.
  • Award Amount: The Cal Grant A award amount is useful to cover tuition fees, ensuring that it does not exceed the current tuition fees at CSU campuses.

Cal Grant B is to support California students pursuing their bachelor’s degrees with a combination of living allowances and tuition fee assistance. Here are the key details:

  • Living Allowance: Cal Grant B initially provides a living allowance, which for most first-year students can go up to $1,648. This allowance helps cover expenses such as books and living costs.
  • Tuition Fee Assistance: For subsequent years beyond the freshman year, Cal Grant B extends its support to cover tuition fees as well. The amount allocated for tuition fees matches that of Cal Grant A.
  • Award Structure: First-Year (Students receive an allowance for books and living expenses). Renewal and Beyond (The grant supports both living allowances and tuition fees for second, third, and fourth-year recipients).

Cal Grant B is to provide comprehensive financial support throughout the undergraduate journey, adapting to meet the changing financial needs of students as they progress in their studies.

Educational Opportunity Program Grant (EOP)

The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at California State University campuses offers essential support to low-income and educationally disadvantaged undergraduate students through grants, counseling, and tutorial services. Here are the eligibility requirements and grant amounts for the 2023-2024 academic year:

  • Acceptance by EOP: Students must be accepted into the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at their California State University campus.
  • Expected Family Contribution (EFC): The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from the FAFSA must be $5,000 or less to qualify for EOP.
  • Enrollment Requirements: Students must be enrolled in at least 6 units (half-time enrollment).
  • Maximum Eligibility: Eligibility for EOP grants is limited to a maximum of 10 semesters.
  • Course Enrollment Restrictions: Students auditing classes or taking classes for “no credit” are not eligible for financial aid towards those registration fees.

Grants amount for 2023-2024 academic year

  • Full-Time Enrollment (6.1-12 units): Annual Amount: $1,200 per academic year; Semester Amount: $600 per semester

State University Grant (SUG)

The State University Grant (SUG) program at California State University (CSU) campuses provides financial assistance to help cover tuition fees for eligible California residents. Here are the criteria and guidelines for the SUG:

  • California Residency: Applicants must be California residents.
  • FAFSA Completion: Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by March 2nd each year.
  • Expected Family Contribution (EFC): For the 2023-2024 academic year, the EFC must be $6,000 or less; For the 2024-2025 academic year, the Student Aid Index (SAI) must be $4,000 or less.
  • Verification Process: If selected for verification, submit all requested financial aid documents by the priority file completion date.

Students must be enrolled at least half-time:

  • 6 units for undergraduates and credential students.
  • 4 units for graduate-level students.

Limitations on SUG Eligibility:

  • Cannot combine the grant with other aid to cover state fees such as Cal Grant or tuition waivers.
  • Undergraduate students cannot exceed 150 semester units or 225 quarter units earned at CSU campuses.
  • Transfer students cannot accumulate more than 75 semester units or 113 quarter units at CSU campuses.
  • Teacher and credential students are limited to 30 earned units.
  • Graduate students are limited to 125% of the required program length in earned units.
  • Second bachelor’s, credential, or master’s degree seekers are not eligible for SUG.
  • Students auditing classes or taking classes for “no credit” do not qualify for financial aid towards those fees.

Graduate Professional Business Program Grant

This grant provides financial assistance to eligible California residents enrolled in specific MBA and MSA programs. Here are the eligibility criteria and additional details:

  • California Residency: Applicants must be California residents.Payment of Graduate Professional Business Program Fee: Students must pay the Graduate Professional Business Program fee.
  • Expected Family Contribution (EFC): The EFC must not exceed 60% of the standard cost of attendance for students in the state-sponsored MBA and MSA programs.
  • Enrollment Requirements: Students are active at least half-time, which typically equates to 4 units.


  • Students enrolled in MBA or MSA programs through International and Extended Education are not eligible if their course fees do not include the Professional Program fee.
  • Students auditing classes or taking classes for “no credit” are not eligible for financial aid towards those registration fees.

Funding availability is limited, and priority is available for the students with the lowest EFC. FAFSA application dates prior to the census date for each semester are considered in award decisions. Awards are determined on a semester-by-semester basis after the census date, ensuring that funding allocations are aligned with student needs and program participation.

This grant program supports eligible graduate students in MBA and MSA programs by helping to offset educational costs, thereby promoting access and affordability for California residents pursuing professional business education.

In the meantime, Grants included to federal grant types are including:

As written earlier, eligibility of each financial aid program may vary, and the same thing goes to the requirement. The requirement for each financial aid offered by the university through SJSU financial aid may vary on some conditions and circumstances.

How to Get SJSU Financial Aid

In order to improve your chance winning the grant, there are things worth to do that the board might put them into consideration. Students must make satisfactory academic progress toward their degree. It does not matter which grant program the students are applying, they need to commit to their degree. Students must complete their study according to the standard time set by the university. Other than that, students must also meet the minimum GPA to stay eligible for the grant program.

SJSU financial program provide students at San Jose State University with chance to continue their study. This could be the best solution from the university to students who have been struggling to deal with financial situation. SJSU financial program would help students to finish their study. So, they can start making a path toward a bright future as soon as they graduate.


  • Academic Progress Policies.
  • Types of Aid.
  • Images:,