Low Cost Dentures for Seniors

Low Cost Dentures for Seniors – I always find it a bit ironic when the dental coverage is often diminished after someone is entering the retirement age. However, that is our current reality. Seniors often have to rely on free or low cost dental care, such as low cost dentures for senior citizen.

The dentures are important because it helps these people to chew better, which has been scientifically proven that better chewing promotes better health. That said, it is often that the seniors simply cannot afford to cover the cost of the dentures, let alone to have a proper dental visit.


However, all hope is not entirely gone. There are still several ways to get that denture you need. It’s pretty obvious that it won’t be easy, but there’s still a possibility. However, let’s talk about the average cost of dentures before we continue this post, shall we?

There are several dental procedures involved in the process of placing a denture. Your tooth may have to be extracted or fitted first (the dentist will also take a measurement in this step), and then the waiting time until the custom denture is finished, and lastly, the dentist will do a refitting and correction if necessary. The cost of these pre-denture services ranges greatly, depending on the difficulty of the process.

Meanwhile, the actual cost of each piece of dentures also differs, depending on which type of dentures you want and which material is used for the dentures. As a rough estimation, the cost of each customized denture ranges between $1,000 and $2,000.

How can I get Low Cost Dentures for Seniors?

Getting a denture can be quite costly, especially if you have no insurance. Dental insurance is one of the best ways to get a relatively cheap denture, but if that is already out of your option, below are some of the alternatives you can try:

Community Clinics

Funded by the government and various nonprofits, the community clinics often provide dental care for those in need, including senior citizen and the elderly. For a complete list of community clinics available in your area, please contact your state’s Social Services or call the United Way 211.

County’s Dental Clinic

If you’re lucky, your county may have a dental clinic that is administered by the county’s Public Health Department. In this clinic, you may be able to find affordable adult dental care (usually there’s a waiting list, so be patient).

Veteran’s Benefit Program

Elderly and seniors who once served the armed forces and were honorably discharged usually gain several veteran’s benefit programs, which usually includes free or affordable dental care (depending on which dental services you need). You should contact your state’s Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for more information on this opportunity.

Dental School

Last but not least, you can always try to visit dental school clinics, if they are available in your area. These dental school clinics often provide low-cost dental care (which may include dentures, depending on the school) for the elderly and those in needs. The process is longer than your standard dental clinic, but from our experience, the dental school is a worthy alternative if you are uninsured and need affordable dentures.

We sincerely hope you can get the low cost dentures for seniors in your city!

PS: For a Muslim, changing God’s creation in our bodies is strictly prohibited, including dental implants. If teeth implants are done for decoration, then the law becomes unlawful. Likewise with healthy teeth are deliberately removed to plant teeth. Unless there is an emergency reason. Teeth implants do not fall into the category of changing what Allah has created, since it is replacing what has been destroyed or disappeared. Islam allows teeth implants as much as other implants for organs that are not there anymore.

image: birhabersin.com