When people talk about Fire Prevention Grants, they often refer to the Fire Prevention & Safety (FP&S) Grant coming from the United States’ Federal Emergency Management Agency. As you know, having some kind of fire prevention system is very important, especially for public places.
Getting the FP&S grant is one of the best ways to fund your fire prevention project, because just as any other grants you don’t have to make the repayment of it.
Back to topic, the Fire Prevention & Safety Grant supports activities and projects that aim to mitigate the injury and death incidences caused by fire-related hazards. Moreover, this grant also support activities and projects that aims to improve the firefighter squad’s wellness, safety, and health (for instance trough research projects that can reduce the injuries and fatalities risk of firefighters).
Fire Prevention Grants Programs
Below we have listed several possible projects that may be eligible for funding from the Fire Prevention grants:
- Public education campaigns related to fire mitigation and fire prevention
- Projects to provide smoke alarms or sprinklers to local schools
- Activities that aims to prevent or raise awareness of wildfire or arson
- Trainings that focus on increasing firefighter safety, capabilities and skills
- General public education or awareness of fire prevention
- Studies that are related to fire prevention and safety from various fields, from technology and product development to social studies
- Researches that focuses on the effective programs for fire prevention and safety
Fire Prevention Grants Details
So who can apply for these fire prevention grants? In general, various organizations and agencies may apply for the grant. However, individuals and private business owners are in general not eligible for the grants. Tribal organizations, fire departments, private and public nonprofit organizations should apply for the grants.
This grant is an annual grant, and the deadline for each year is on January. For every project, grant recipient should be prepared to cover at least 5% of total cost of the project. To learn more about the latest timeline for the grant, you should contact your State’s FEMA official. Each project is limited to a $1.5 million dollars based on the Federal share.
You can get the grant application from the FEMA website section that focuses on the AFG (https://www.fema.gov/welcome-assistance-firefighters-grant-program). This grant is also listed in www.grants.gov, which is the government official recording of legit grants in the United States. Note that this is an online application, which is pretty straightforward.
However, you should be prepared and make sure to fill all the required columns with proper answers. If you are interested to apply for both grants, you should only submit one application; and clearly request for both grants.
Just as any other grant application, your application should be in line with the FEMA guidelines. Remember to use a reasonable funding estimation, address the problem and the target clearly, and clearly explained what are your efforts to solve those problems. We have posted several tips on making a good grant application, you should check it out. Usually these Fire Prevention Grants awards will be announced in the beginning of spring.
References :
- Grants Gov : grants.gov
- Federal Emergency Management Agency : fema.gov
- Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program : fema.gov/firegrants
- Images: vfistx.com, tn.gov