Child Abuse Prevention Grants

If you or your community is looking for child abuse prevention grants, you should know where to look for it. In today’s post, we will learn about the available funds from both the federal government and the foundation/corporation.

Child Abuse Prevention Grants Opportunities

The first opportunity comes from the government. The Administration for Children and Families, US Department of Health and Human Services provides several programs that support the prevention of child abuse. One of these programs is the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) Grant program.

However, you cannot simply apply to the US Department of Health and Human Services, because according to the law, the ones that can apply for the grant is the state. After that, the State will appoint a lead agency, usually a trust fund to distribute the grant. Therefore, each State may have a different agency that manages the grant. For example, the Missouri State government appoints the Children’s Trust Fund as the channel for the grant. Meanwhile, North Dakota prefers the North Dakota State University to distribute the grant.


Community Based Child Abuse Prevention Grants

Each lead agency may have different eligibility, but in general every CBCAP program (including grants) in every state aims children, families and caregivers. Therefore, make sure you search information about the CBCAP grant lead agency in your state. If you are unsure where to ask, you can make a call to your State’s Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services office. They will gladly provide available information regarding to the CBCAP grants and programs.

Alternatively, you can use the extensive list of contact information for CBCAP primary leads from the You can find the link in our reference section.

The second opportunity for child abuse prevention grants is from private foundations or nonprofit organizations. It is important to note that not all of the foundations listed below provide a specific grant for child abuse, but all of them provide some kind of support to the child abuse prevention programs.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation provides grants that can be used for child abuse prevention programs and activities. This foundation is famous because it provides thorough help; including advocacy for abused children, treatment programs and services for abused children, and other services.

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and Freddie Mac Foundation have support for child abuse prevention and child neglect programs that is in line with the CBCAP objective.

Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families connects funders who are concerned with children, youth and families. This means the children abuse prevention is in their agenda.

Annie E. Casey Foundation focuses their Family to Family program that aims to strengthen of the community in order to be more involved in children welfare system.

David and Lucile Packard Foundation offers a program called the Children, Families, and Communities Program. This program has four main objectives that are related to children and youth. One of them is to reduce the domestic violence.

So as you can see, there are various sources for funding your program. There are many foundations and federal agencies that care about the future of these children. We hope this list can help you in finding the child abuse prevention grants.

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